net4tec @HerCareer Review


After HerCareer fell victim to the pandemic last year, the time had finally come on September 16th   and 17th. net4tec happily joined the leading fair for female career planning, that opened its doors with more than 230 exhibitors and 450 speakers to support woman’s careers under the motto – “Behind every woman is an army of women hyping her up.”.

For us this was the first opportunity to meet our members, interested parties and partners once again in person after 18 months. We eagerly prepared the fair behind the scenes, to welcome our visitors appropriately at our booth and to go to the next level by launching our PIONEER community of woMen and carry out our strong mission:

“Rock” the STEM world and make it more colorful by lifting female careers and shaping a new face of leadership with the power of community. Realize your full potential

The first in person event from our network was most expected and celebrated with lots of inspiration and full of opportunities. Coincidentally, the fair collided with our usual 60 minute session, which we offer every two weeks from our network for our network. So, we took the chance and started the day with a live broadcast of the session about systemic leadership lead by our role model Linda Oldenburg. Attendees could get the feeling of having been at the fair themselves.

During the fair we met friends, members, companies, and business partners as well as completely new people in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss how we can put our new mission to life with the power of community. Many memories have been created throughout great conversations about:

Besides engaging at our booth, we offered special meetups with our net4tec members: 

Belen Romero, (Sustainability & Energy Consultancy, Ambassador net4tec Munich) invited to discuss “How do we bring value to business? A guideline towards sustainable transformation” where she provided practical know-how about sustainability.

Alina Popa, (Global Program Manager – Client Success Strategy @ Pegasystems Inc., Ambassador net4tec Munich) presented “What we can learn from Customer Success and how we can apply this to accelerate our career?” and taught participants about Customer Success / Roles and responsibilities of the Customer Success Manager role in the IT Industry.

Mariya Davydenko (Business Development Director @Ciklum, Ambassador net4tec Stuttgart) talked on the topic “Transformation in automotive, from manufacturer to service provider – a challenge for OEMs, an opportunity for your career”. She lead a discussion about the industry development, career opportunities and required skills.

Begonia Merayo finally enriched the fair with her panel of the Working Moms e.V. and attracted a variety of women and men to our booth. Read on for her own impressions and personal highlights from net4tec @herCareer on LinkedIn.

Every format engaged more visitors, started cool exchange, and offered great possibilities for fresh networking.  All in all, you could feel the indescribable spirit and exciting energy. The overwhelming feedback we received shows that it was a super successful event for visitors and exhibitors alike.

Let’s continue to collaborate and unlock the power of community together – Get Started.

HerCareer 2022 – we are coming again on 06.-07. October 2022!!!!

#newfaceofleadership #rockthestemword #liftingeachother #powerofcommunity #stemcareer #optionsmakecareer

Christine Koch
Global Ambassador & Role Model Coordinator