#women #career #stem

#WoMen #Career #Tech

net4tec Resources

Events organised periodically to enhance your knowledge and growth

The Magic Circle – Begonia Merayo

+++++ net4tec _ The FeMale Career Network for inclusive Diversity in Technology & Digital Business We are a collaborative platform and global network for promoting

The Magic Circle – Fabian SĂĽĂź

+++++ net4tec _ The FeMale Career Network for inclusive Diversity in Technology & Digital Business We are a collaborative platform and global network for promoting

The Magic Circle – Andrea Griesinger

+++++ net4tec _ The FeMale Career Network for inclusive Diversity in Technology & Digital Business We are a collaborative platform and global network for promoting

New York, New Leaders – Ludger Elfen

+++++ net4tec _ The FeMale Career Network for inclusive Diversity in Technology & Digital Business We are a collaborative platform and global network for promoting

First 20 MORNING SESSIONS 2020 | net4tec

+++++ net4tec _ The FeMale Career Network for inclusive Diversity in Technology & Digital Business We are a collaborative platform and global network for promoting

2020 Wrap up net4tec

The founder team with Begonia Merayo and Julia Baumanns take a summary of 2020 and what it meant for net4tec. This review will showcase you