Passionate leader & coach
Follow your heart
Passionate leader & coach
Follow your heart
Career means life-long personal and professional development, discovering new topics and ways of working, and developing a manner that allows you to stay authentic, to feel a sense of purpose and to work with passion.
To cope with the fact that society and business still do not manage to innovate the compatibility of job and family. However I am happy that I believed in myself with great supporters by my side.
No matter how good you are at work, without a network it is more difficult to achieve your goal.
I love to connect with inspiring people, to learn from different perspectives and mindsets and getting new impulses.
My colleagues and friends describe me as curious, reliable and hands-on. Strong in all communication related aspects and a good listener.
Working together with passionate people who are curious, brave and believe in themselves.
Furthermore my daughter with her unconditional love, her smile and her way to see the world through her eyes keep me going.
Hard work pays off. This well-intentioned advice is only partially correct as hard work alone is not enough to be successful. Of course good performance is important, but simultaneously it is as important to have a good network and to make sure that my performance is visible.
Be yourself and stay authentic.
Katja Franken
Follow your heart
Passionate leader & coach
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We “rock” the STEM world and make it more colorful by lifting female careers and shaping a new face of leadership with the power of community.
We “rock” the STEM world and make it more colorful by lifting female careers and shaping a new face of leadership with the power of community.