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Grow to Lead Sessions

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

Take your expertise to the next level

Munich @ Wayra Germany

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

September 21-23, 2023 I Munich @ Wayra Germany

Its Free!

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

September 21-23, 2023 I Munich @ Wayra Germany



Its Free!

Hyperconnect & build sustainable solutions for real worldproblems with top women from AI, Web3

Supercharge your knowledge on Web3 and AI in the fastest way possible

Connect with like-minded individuals, including future co-founders, investors, and industry experts

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

SystAIn3r empowers women & non-binary people to create sustainable futures with AI, Web3 and Systems Thinking. They create strong connections & hands-on learning experience, like the first Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women
We at net4tec | 4 female careers in technology believe on the power of community and together with SystAIn3r are committed to foster collaboration and innovation towards a sustainable future. Explore as net4tec members the opportunity for best in class knowledge transfer, instant personal growth and exclusive networking with fellow women in technology. Join the first SystAIn3r Hackathon and rock the STEM world together by lifting female careers with the power of the net4tec community.

About SystAIn3r

The SystAIn3r community sees itself as the catalytic force propelling the transformative potential of AI, Web3, and systems thinking. They strive to unite talents and inspire innovation, bridding the technological divide and shaping the world into a more efficient, equitable, and sustainable future.

SystAIn3r curates an exceptional ensemble of experienced, diverse, and influential talents. Prioritizing community, fosters connections early, setting the stage for a thriving, innovation-centric network. With an emphasis on cross-disciplinary collaboration, they dismantle silos, unlocking potential for trailblazing ideas.

Hackathon Theme:

  • How can we collaboratively employ technologies, such as AI and Web3 to develop systemic, sustainable solutions that advance the UN SGDs?
  • How can we simultaneously create a tech environment that fosters greater gender inclusivity?

Key Learnings

Join us in person at the SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women in Munich

  • Embrace the power of collaboration & learning and benefit from best in class knowledge transfer

  • Experience a vibrant new way of generate innovative solutions and grow out of your confort zone

  • Enjoy exclusive networking with fellow women in technology, connecting with like-minded individuals with diverse backgrounds

Key Take aways

With this Hackathon we harness the power of AI, Web3, and systems thinking, uniting brilliant minds to co-create innovative solutions that address real-world problems, all in alignmenet with the Sustainable Development Goals. Together, we aim
  • to generate innovative solutions
  • establish meaningful professional alliances, and
  • lay the foundation for transformative global initiatives.
Let’s break silos in technology, and bring experts together in a playfuland effective manner to engineer solutions for the greatergood!
Its Free!

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women
net4tec @ SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women

With this Hackathon we are thirlled to announce our super exciting partnership with SysAIn3r!

We at net4tec | 4 female careers in technology believe on the power of community and together with SystAIn3r are committed to fostering collaboration and innovation towards a sustainable future.

We at net4tec are an effective, engaged, and relevant network of an international feMale community from the STEM world.

We founded net4tec in 2018 and have grown to an international community of over 1,500 women and men with chapters in different cities in Germany as well as in Ireland, Portugal, and Spain.

With the power of the community, we have held over 200 events, presented more than 120 role models in our network (women/men), and rocked the international stage with more than 100 net4tec keynote speakers.

We from net4tec are represented on relevant stages such as herCareer, Hannover Messe, Web Summit, Future of AI, and in corporates like BMW, Google, Airbus, Bosch, Microsoft, Accenture, and many others.

Do you want to be part of the dream team net4tec at the SystAIn3r Hackathon on AI, Web3 & sustainability for women?

Registration follows over the official website of the Hackathon. Once you have registered get in touch with us via email and let us that you are coming!. women@net4tec.com

Become a member now – Join now and seize this golden opportunity with a 30 days-free trial and a breaking offer in this Autumn.

Together, we thrive. Together, we lead.


Learn. Grow. Connect.

With the leading STEM network for women.

Join now – it’s free! #togethermatters