60 minutes GROW TO LEAD
Stress down & resilience up!
01.07.2021 from 08:30 to 09:30

Dear net4tec community,

Exploring new opportunities to keep growing within our community in times of covid-19 we invite you to join us to our new „60 minutes – GROW TO LEAD “ series.

We would like to create the space to exchange within the community, to network online as well as discussing current trends that we are all facing at the moment.

Women and men are welcome!

Coffee, Chat & Learn with Nanna Rüster & Andrea Griesinger 

“Stress down, resilience up – Impulse & Inspiration” 


As a leader, you shape the working world for your employees and yourself. You take on this responsibility and realize – especially in the pandemic situation – that the well-being of the team is slipping away from you. The pressure is rising, the tone is getting rougher, nerves are on edge.

We are currently noticing more and more that many leaders are finding it difficult to take responsibility for resilience for themselves and their employees. And yet: demands are increasing, processes are changing faster, intrinsic stability and gravity are needed to be able to cope with expectations from all sides, over many years. In the future, managers and their teams will have to devote more time to this topic. This ability is absolutely part of the job profile for leaders.

Key Learnings & Take Aways

In one hour of “Inspiration & Impulse” Andrea and Nanna will give you an insight into their toolbox and suggestions for wisely establishing and expanding this ability individually as a leader and in the team.

How to take responsibility for resilience for yourself and your employees

Stress down, Resilience up! net4tec ambassador Andrea Griesinger and executive coach Nanna Rüster will lead through this session and provide impulses and inspiration for further discussion.

About the speaker

Nanna Rüster is senior executive coach for ‚leadership in transformation‘ and partner at Upgrade an organizational development consultant team, based in Frankfurt. She accompanies executives during change processes with the aim of effectively combining strategic and communicative aspects.

Nanna has a background as a professional dancer and is a graduated manager for art and culture. As „Head of PR“ of an IT start-up, she was part of the core team to build up the company, before she became an independent leadership coach, with now 15 years of experience in various organizations and industries.

Andrea Griesinger Partner @ Upgrade an organizational development consultant team, based in Frankfurt, and net4tec Ambassador.

Als Beraterin beschäftige ich mich am liebsten mit großen Veränderungsvorhaben, die umfassende und tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf die jeweilige Gesamtorganisation haben. Mich interessiert dabei das Sortieren und Lösen von kniffligen und scheinbar schwierigen Situationen. Ich mag es, Dinge zum „Funktionieren“ zu bringen, sowohl durch Gestalten einer tragfähigen Transformationsarchitektur als auch die pragmatische Durchführung von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit. Hier wie dort kommen mir meine Präferenz für das Machbare und meine ausgeprägte Lösungsorientierung sehr zu Hilfe.

Meine jahrelange Erfahrung im internationalen Projektmanagement hat dazu geführt, dass ich mich sukzessive mit der Verbesserung des Zusammenspiels und Lernens global verteilter, virtueller Teams beschäftigt habe. Die besonderen Anforderungen an Führungskräfte in dieser Situation sind mir daher sowohl aus eigener Führungserfahrung als auch aus meiner Beratungspraxis gut vertraut.

Als persönlicher Coach unterstütze ich Fach- und Führungskräfte dabei, sich in schwierigen und konfliktreichen Veränderungssituationen zu „sortieren“ und neu zu orientieren.

Neben meiner Beratungstätigkeit engagiere ich mich für Diversität in Unternehmen, insbesondere Frauen in Führungspositionen sowie für die Vereinbarkeit von Karriere und Familie, in den Netzwerken Working Moms sowie net4tec.

Book your seat: you decide!

Coffee, Chat & Learn with net4tec

These sessions are for YOU! If you feel we are missing out on a certain topic let us know via email: women@net4tec.com and we can add it!

net4tec is really looking forward to e-meeting you at the next virtual morning session!

The 60 minutes – GROW TO LEAD series is the follow-up to our new #DiversityMatter series, where we exchange experiences and best practices about diversity, careers, technology, tools and pragmatic implementation in daily business life. Women and men are invited!