#10 Virtual Morning Session
Time to make an impact: How do you incorporate sustainability in your professional & personal life
18.06.2020 from 8:30. to 9:30. am
Dear net4tec community
Exploring new opportunities to keep growing within our community in times of covid-19 we invite you to join us to our new „Virtual Morning Session“ series.
We would like to create the space to exchange within the community, to network online as well as discussing current trends that we are all facing at the moment.
Women and men are welcome!
Our #11 morning session takes place on Thursday, June 18, 2020 –> from 8:30 to 9:30 am
Coffee, Chat & Learn with Belén Romero Sustainability & Energy Consultant and Franziska Schmid,Sustainable Financing Expert
Time to make an impact: How do you incorporate sustainability in your professional & personal life
Join us, learn and exchange about:
- How do Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Business interact?
- How to integrate SDGs in business decisions?
- How can I grow my values within my company?
In these times of unpredictable change, companies cannot longer function the same way. Society’s priorities and lifestyle have been put upside down, it is the moment for Sustainability to take place. A mindset for people, planet and profit to drive together, as the key for a resilience society to achieve economical-, social-, and environmental progress. An approach that enables society and business the ability to flow in balance within the unpredictable challenges.
Belén and Franziska share with you a clear and practical understanding of how sustainability brings value to your business and to our society. The sustainable transformation is guided by the global sustainability strategy, the 17 SDGs. Together we explore the interaction among the companies, employees and SDGs.
We will encourage and guide you on how to start the alignment of your priorities and how you can grow your values within your company.Â
Why should you definitely participate this morning session?
- Get to know the SDGs and why they are a key tool in the transformation!
- Understand how the SDGs interact with business and society and what are the key forces that play a role in theses interactions!
- Get practices’ insights from companies, which are leaders in sustainable transformation
- Become an Intrapreneur: You will gain resolution and power to be part of a positive transformation
The session will be interactive and provocative. Together we explore our critic-mind and resistances. Looking forward to our sharing!
Please sign up here and we will send you the meeting link with the dial-in information via mail.
About the speakers:
Franziska Schmid, passionate about gaining the best out of sustainability, technology and finance. Researcher in sustainable investment behavior, financial economist and business psychologist.
Franziska has a strong belief that the combination of sustainability, technology and finance is able to generate a large impact. She is a researcher in the field of sustainable investment behavior and innovative payment behavior with a global focus. She holds a Sino-German Scholarship and has 8+ years of professional experience in the banking sector.
Franziska holds a bachelor’s degree in financial economics and will complete her master’s degree in business psychology this year.
She is focusing her daily work to use innovative financial solutions for positive impact on the environment and society. Franziska is looking forward to getting in contact with you if you have deep insights in the behavior of millennials and their financial behavior.
Belén Romero, is passionate about sustainability and ways to create opportunities, promote partnerships and cultivate awareness.
Belén is a Consultant in Sustainability and Energy and has 10+ years’ experience helping organizations to improve their sustainability performance. She holds an engineering master’s degree in energy solutions at UMH University (Spain) and a further on-line education program in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability at Blekinge University (Sweden).
Belén advises executive board about ESG, company sustainability activities and value-led opportunities, as well as builds a competent and trustful communication throughout the business structure.
In her private life, Belén contributes with several organizations focused on sustainability leadership, social entrepreneurship and women empowerment. There she offers guidance about the 17-SDGs and connects people from the different social and business networks.
Belén is looking forward to getting in contact with like-minded people and companies who want to push this transformation. She is also interested in new sustainable partnerships.
Please sign up here and we will send you the meeting link with the dial-in information via mail.
Please find the topics & dates for the coming weeks below.
Coffee, Chat & Learn with net4tec
#12 Cross-cultural experiences @work _ 25.06.2020
#13 Why we need more female CEOs _ 02.07.2020
#14 Set up the foundation of high team performance _ 09.07.2020
#15 Customer Experience _ 16.07.2020
These sessions are for YOU! If you feel we are missing out on a certain topic let us know via email: women@net4tec.com and we can add it!
Please sign up here and we will send you the meeting link with the dial-in information via mail.
net4tec is really looking forward to e-meeting you at the next virtual morning session!
The net4tec Morning Session is the follow-up to our new #DiversityMatter series, where we exchange experiences and best practices about diversity, careers, technology, tools and pragmatic implementation in daily business life. Women and men are invited!