#women #career #stem

#WoMen #Career #Tech


Grow to Lead Sessions

net4tec Morning Session in Frankfurt presented by Deutsche Bank

Take your expertise to the next level

Frankfurt - Deutsche Bank | Taunusanlage 12 | Frankfurt

net4tec Morning Session in Frankfurt presented by Deutsche Bank

Morning Session hosted by Deutsche Bank, Sept 13, 2023

Coffee & Network with the net4tec community

13 September 2023 | 8:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M | Deutsche Bank | Taunusanlage 12 | Frankfurt

Its Free!

net4tec Morning Session in Frankfurt presented by Deutsche Bank

Morning Session hosted by Deutsche Bank, Sept 13, 2023

Coffee & Network with the net4tec community

13 September 2023 | 8:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M | Deutsche Bank | Taunusanlage 12 | Frankfurt



8:00 – 9:30
Its Free!

Monthly in person Morning Session with the net4tec community

Connect and build relationship with other like-minded woMen in the technology world

Become visible, support and learn from each other

Coffee & Network with the net4tec community

net4tec Morning Session in Frankfurt presented by Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank | Taunusanlage 12 | Frankfurt


There’s a reason why networking is considered a factor for success: having good connections facilitates career advancement!

Together with Deutsche Bank net4tec invites you to an interactive morning session.

Lift our career to the next level with the power of the net4tec community!

  • At net4tec, we take our careers to the next level with the power of community. Together, create the space to enjoy our morning coffee with the community with one single goal: to build an effective network and learn from each other.
Enjoy a morning coffee with other like-minded women (and men) in STEM, build relationships and learn from each other. You will explore how networking enables you to generate new ideas , helps you to get things done and expands your influence.

About net4tec

net4tec is the global network for female careers in the technology world.

Our members are ambitious women like you and me, diverse in age, background, profession and career. Together, we bear the responsibility to shape a new face of leadership in business and society.

Our multicultural background allows us to think globally and act locally, especially in the DACH region.

Our mission is to “rock” the STEM world and make it more colorful by lifting female careers and shaping a new face of leadership with the power of community.

Key Learnings

During this Morning Session you connect to other like-minded women (and men) in STEM, and enjoy the opportunity to become visible, build relationships, and support and learn from each other.

You explore how networking enables you to generate new ideas, helps you to get things done and expands your influence.

Key Take aways

At this networking Morning Session
  • you get first hand insights of the importance of data and what we can do with it thanks to the impuls speech by Ioana Baiasu
  • you get to know the net4tec community, the (premium) members and founders and network with TOP woMen in the technology world,
  • you exchange on eye-level about the progress of the net4tec community
  • you discuss how to boost your career and your expert positioning while engaging as net4tec (premium) member
Its Free!

Morning Session

The Morning Sessions are the space for getting to know the net4tec community, becoming visible and building relationships with your feMale peers in the technology world.

Women and men are welcome!


These sessions take place in person once a month, usually on the last Tuesday from 8-9:30 am CET.

net4tec members get free access to the networking morning sessions. We also invite interested woMen in STEM to participate and get to know the net4tec network better.

Learn. Grow. Connect.

With the leading STEM network for women.

Join now – it’s free! #togethermatters