60 minutes GROW TO LEAD
You don´t have to make every mistake by yourself
25.02.2020 from 19:15 to 20:15 (NEW TIME!)

Dear net4tec community,

Exploring new opportunities to keep growing within our community in times of covid-19 we invite you to join us to our new „60 minutes – GROW TO LEAD “ series.

We would like to create the space to exchange within the community, to network online as well as discussing current trends that we are all facing at the moment.

Women and men are welcome!

Coffee, Chat & Learn with Dr. Sanaz von Elszner

„You don´’t have to make every mistake by yourself – learn from the experienced ones”


In our 20s we are still full of energy and verve and want to change the world. We are in the revolutionary phase and think anything is possible and “the sky is the limit” and that’s a good thing because I don’t want to discourage anyone here.

Unfortunately, we women learn over time that the world out there does not welcome us with open arms and unfortunately there are still obstacles put in our way.

Key Learnings

Of course we all have to make our own mistakes, we have to be brave and try things out, but we don’t have to make every mistake ourselves and sometimes it would be wiser to get advice from “experienced people”, especially women from your network, friends and acquaintances.

Key Take Aways

  • important here is networking, mentoring programs and professional support, because it is okay to take a shortcut
  • but you can’t take a shortcut in personal development and learning new skills, that takes time
  • define your goal and make a “battle” plan

About the speaker

Dr. Sanaz von Elsner is a self-employed mountain guide for mountaineers and a systemic business coach.

With her experience as a dentist she has experienced first-hand that it is important to make a career for the right reasons and not to be influenced too much by the outside.

Please sign up here and we will send you the meeting link with the dial-in information via mail.

Book your seat: you decide!

Buy each session individually every two weeks following our personal invitation as net4tec gratis member or partner network member pay only € 10,- per Session.

And receive a very special gift: by buying the complete 60’ program you become a pioneer member of net4tec and get many extra benefits for your career! Check it out here!

*excluded VAT


Coffee, Chat & Learn with net4tec

These sessions are for YOU! If you feel we are missing out on a certain topic let us know via email: women@net4tec.com and we can add it!

net4tec is really looking forward to e-meeting you at the next virtual morning session!

The 60 minutes – GROW TO LEAD series is the follow-up to our new #DiversityMatter series, where we exchange experiences and best practices about diversity, careers, technology, tools and pragmatic implementation in daily business life. Women and men are invited!