60 minutes GROW TO LEAD
New Work is made for Career Changers
13.01.2022 from 08:30 to 09:30
Dear net4tec community,
Exploring new opportunities to keep growing within our community in times of covid-19 we invite you to join us to our new „60 minutes – GROW TO LEAD “ series.
We would like to create the space to exchange within the community, to network online as well as discussing current trends that we are all facing at the moment.
Women and men are welcome!
Confidence in people’s abilities has been largely determined by testimonials and rĂ©sumĂ©s, and the American dream of making it from the bottom up without a degree was rather the exception. Especially in more technical professions, women with or without university background were rarely given a lateral entry. However, demographic change and the shortage of skilled workers are unstoppable, and companies are slowly realizing this. With “New Work” the time has finally come for career changers, just like 30 years ago when the Internet conquered the world, diversity and lifelong learning are becoming more and more important in recruiting for companies today.
I will take you on a journey back in time 20 years as a career changer in IT and show you what was possible back then under difficult conditions and what will hopefully become easier today on the way to a digital age in which lifelong learning, diversity and the right mindset is more important than just a good university degree.
Key Learnings &Â Key Take Aways
- Never let others discourage you from trying something that you believe in
- Always learn what you really need on the job and not only what you think is expected from you
- Dare to accept opportunities and challenges
- Stay hungry. Stay foolish!
About the Speaker
Yvonne Schulist has been working as an IT-Consultant and Business Consultant for more than 20 years. She started her career as project assistant in a start-up in Stuttgart in 1999 without university degree only with an apprentice ship as career changer. Later she started studies in sociology and psychology and business informatics and completed her MBA in Leadership & Management in addition to her job and family.
Today Yvonne works as Founder & Company Lead at New Work Unicorns. She has developed a culture-based job matching process to help people find a corporate culture that fits to their needs.
60′ GROW TO LEAD SESSIONS with net4tec
This Session is the net4tec jour fixe for you and your career!
Our 60′ Sessions take place every second Thursday from 8:30-9:30 am.
One hour in which we discuss a relevant topic for our personal growth and career in focus together with an Expert:in and many other net4tec participants.
The sessions are very interactive. We start with an impulse lecture with many best practices and pragmatic tips on how we can further implement the topic in our professional life.
In addition to imparting knowledge, the focus is on exchange with the participants and mutual support in sharing one’s own experiences and questions.
After the 60′
? You got to know a new perspective on the topic, learned new important contents and got a few tips on how I can further advance the topic.
? You also go back to the office with a lot of inspiration and have met new exciting people again and found some connecting points on how we can support each other.
This is a very special session in your agenda to share with the community, network online and discuss current trends that we are all facing at the moment and really push me forward.
The sessions are free for all net4tec pioneer members. Did you miss one? No problem, the recording is available for you at any time. As pioneer you get the reserved access to the complete recordings of all our sessions since 2021.
Become a Pioneer Member and get all the sessions with our TOP experts for a full year for only € 120,-* instead €250*
Get startet NOW with 30 day free of charge trial and join our Sessions, get to know net4tec and decide to be part of the leadeing network for female careers in STEM
Register and get to know net4tec 30 days for free : https://lnkd.in/d4mApeDP
To rock the STEM world and make it more colorful by lifting female careers and shaping a new face of leadership with the power of community
Here you can register as NET4TEC PIONEER: https://net4tec.com/her-career/
These sessions are for YOU! If you feel we are missing out on a certain topic let us know via email: women@net4tec.com and we can add it!
net4tec is really looking forward to e-meeting you at the next virtual morning session!
The 60 minutes – GROW TO LEAD series is the follow-up to our new #DiversityMatter series, where we exchange experiences and best practices about diversity, careers, technology, tools and pragmatic implementation in daily business life. Women and men are invited!
*included VAT