#21Â Virtual Morning Session
You deserve more!
08.10.2020 from 8:30. to 9:30. am
Dear net4tec community
Exploring new opportunities to keep growing within our community in times of covid-19 we invite you to join us to our new „Virtual Morning Session“ series.
We would like to create the space to exchange within the community, to network online as well as discussing current trends that we are all facing at the moment.
Women and men are welcome!
Our #21 morning session takes place on Thursday, October 08, 2020 –> from 8:30 to 9:30 am
Coffee, Chat & Learn with Katharina Dotzer
Women still earn considerably less than their male colleagues. Why is this so? Many factors play a role here. However, there are ways and means to position oneself correctly, to stand up for oneself and to make oneself heard, even in times of Covid-19.
An important factor here is our own mindset and with small exercises we would like to show all women in this session – but also men – that YOU deserve more!
Key Take Aways
In this webinar you will learn how you can claim for your achievements even in times of Corona.
About the Speaker
Your speaker Katharina Dotzer is an expert in change management, coaching and female empowering. Katharina now works as a project manager in a management consultancy, where she creates added value for her clients every day. Furthermore, she is building up her platform KADO#women – her absolute heart project. It is her concern that women in particular stand up for themselves and their services and demand what is due to them.
Please sign up here and we will send you the meeting link with the dial-in information via mail.
The net4tec Virtual Morning Sessions take place every Thursday from 8:30-9:30 am. Please find the topics & dates for the coming weeks below.
Coffee, Chat & Learn with net4tec
These sessions are for YOU! If you feel we are missing out on a certain topic let us know via email: women@net4tec.com and we can add it!
net4tec is really looking forward to e-meeting you at the next virtual morning session!
The net4tec Morning Session is the follow-up to our new #DiversityMatter series, where we exchange experiences and best practices about diversity, careers, technology, tools and pragmatic implementation in daily business life. Women and men are invited!